Backyard Bobcat Bash 2021 Sponsors

Thank you to all our sponsors!

"Corn to be Wild" Sponsors

"Dazed and Corn Fused" Sponsors 

"Keep Calm and Corn On" Sponsors

Wine Sponsor

Beer Sponsor

Margarita Sponsor

Backyard Bobcat Bash 2021


To register for the auction and purchase event tickets click here.

Interested in being a sponsor? Click here.

Pre-register for the Corn Hole Tournament here

Bobcat Bash 2019 - Breakfast of Champions

Join us for a casual evening of Breakfast and Bidding for our Bobcats!

Auction Committee
Bobcat Bash Chair- TJ Warren
Auction Procurement Chair -  LaDonna Sheridan
Teacher Treasures Chair  - Stefanie Bartholomew
Sign-up Parties Chair- Katherine Haskell
Stock Your Bar Chair - Lauren Lambright
Art Project/Table Decor Chairs - Ms. Sicking and Anna Kallstrom
Food and Beverage Chair - Paul Warren
Website and Printing - TJ Warren
To purchase tickets or make a donation visit our website at:
Follow us on FaceBook and Instagram

Officers and Board Members 2018-2019

TJ Warren, President

Jane Matulis, President Elect

Juli Kraft, Treasurer

Stacie Cortwright, Secretary

Shelley Ballard
Stefani Bartholomew
Amanda Burgan
Tiffany Culver
Audrey DeLay
Rachel DeWitt
Chuck Doyle
Rebecca Gillego
Sarah Ivie
Jennifer Loren
Alicia Schwabe
Grant Schwabe
Joanna Shadlow
LaDonna Sheridan
Amy Vanderyt
Keith Winn