Socialize with Eliot Parents
Light Hors d'Oeuvres and Cash Bar
Hear from our new superintendent, Dr. Gist
Goals for this year
Learn how you can financially support Eliot Elementary
Every child in our school benefits from the Foundation’s Pledge Drive. Our goal is 100% participation! Every contribution is greatly appreciated and no amount is too small. Please give what you can. Your contribution is tax deductible. Please encourage your friends and family to also join. Please show your school spirit and get your Pledge in early!
There are many ways to donate so you can make your Pledge today.Donor Levels
- Benefactor ($2500)
- Patron ($1000)
- Fellow ($500)
- Partner ($250)
- Friend ($100)
- Other $_____
- Check (payable to Eliot Elementary Foundation)
- Contribute Online via PayPal/Credit Card
- Monthly Credit Card Draft
- Monthly Bank Draft (forms provided by EEF)
- Corporate matching programs
- Mail to 1442 E. 36th Street | Tulsa, OK 74105
- Drop off at the school front office.